
Dictionar BW

Apron/Non Apron = se leaga MT- ul ca pe un sort. non-apron e invers. 
Blend = amestec (in cu bbc, bbc cu matase, etc)
BW= Baby Wearing
DIBS = Do inform before selling
Destash= To sell or trade your existing crafting supplies or 'stash' to allow a crafter to buy different, often newer, materials.
MM = middle mark
MT = mei tai
RS = ring sling - sling cu inele
SSC = soft structed carrier
Warp = urzeala
WC = wrap conversion
WE = wrap elastic
Welft = batatura
WT = wrap tai
WTM = wrap tai mare
wtm = wrap tai mic 
WW = woven wrap/ wrap tesut
WCMT = wrap conversion mei tai

Prescurtari utilizate pe grupurile de profil:

ALL IN PRICE = prices to includ : wrap price + post & packaging, PP fee, 
BNIB = brand new in box
BUMP = is to bumbp your listing to the top of the page
DIBS = do inform before sale - reguesting your buyer to contact you and offer the wrap to you first, if  she/he decide to sell or trade or delete the listing for exemple if you think you can't give te wrap  or carrier up
FWW = fuul wrap width
FSO = for sale only
FSOT = for sale or trade
FT = for trade
GD = golden ticket
High chicken factor = unsure you are want to sale the wrap or trade and you might back out of the offer for trade
HOLLYDAY= sendin you wrap to other mamas (often to help to break them in and pread the love)
HSA= highly sought after
HTF = hard to find
HWW = half wrap width
ISO = in search of
MMAO = make me an offer
MMARO = make me a resonable offer
OOAK =  one of a kind
PP = paypall
SPF = stalk free pass
TFSOT = tentatively for sale or trade

TT = temporary trade

Prescurtarile legaturilor  de wrap tesut

BT =Back Torso
BWCC = Back wrap cross carry
CHCC = Coolest Hip Cross Carry
CR = Cristina's Ruckless
DH = Double Hammock
DHR = Double Hammock Rebozo
DHTO = Double Hammock Tie Offs
DR = Double Rebozo
DRSS = Double Rebozo Shoulder to Sholder
GBC = Giselle's Back Carry
FCC= Front Cross Carry
FT = Front Torso
FWCC = front wrap cross carry
Half JBC = Half Jordan's Back Carry
HCC = Hip Cross Carry
RH= Rebozo Hip
RHC = Robins Hip Carry
RRRR = Reinforced rear rebozo rucksack
SCC=Short Cross Carry
Semi FWCC = Semi front wrap cross carry
SHBC = Secure Higt Back Carry
SHC = Simple Hip carry

Marimile wrapurilor tesute:

Size 8: 5.5 - 5.8m
Size 7: 5.2 - 5.4m
Size 6: 4.6 - 4.9m
Size 5: 4.1 - 4.3m
Size 4: 3.6 - 3.9m
Size 3: 3.1 - 3.3m
Size 2: 2.5 - 2.7m
Size 1: 2.0 - 2.2m

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